Laser Brazing vs Laser Welding

Views: 390 Author: Susie Tan Publish Time: Origin:

Welding can be divided into fusion welding, pressure welding and brazing.


1、Laser brazing and laser welding are two laser-based joining techniques used to join metal parts.


2、Laser brazing is a process in which a filler metal is melted and then cooled to form a bond between two metal parts. The filler metal is heated using a laser beam and the metals to be joined are held together under pressure until the filler metal solidifies. This technique is often used for thin sheets or profiles and can produce high-strength, leak-tight joints.


3、Laser welding, on the other hand, uses a laser beam to heat the metal parts to their melting point, causing them to melt and flow together to form a bond. The laser beam provides heat to the metal in a very concentrated area, and the melted metal solidifies quickly, forming a weld bead. This technique is often used for thicker parts and is capable of producing high-quality, high-strength welds.


In summary, the laser is only a heat source, and the base metal does not melt during the leading process, but only melts for brazing. It can be said that laser brazing is a kind of laser welding. Laser brazing is used to join parts using a filler material, while laser welding is used to directly join parts without a filler material.


Susie Tan -Sales Manager

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