When Laser was Invented?

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when laser was invented?  Know lasers in one minute

Laser welders, laser marking machines, laser rust removals, laser cutters are the common laser equipment in the industry application. The application of lasers brings the products with high production efficiency, fast speed and easy to use. At present, the scope of manufacturing is getting wider and wider. The video lets you understand the laser in one minute


What is a laser and who invented it?

The word laser in English is derived from the original acronym LASER, which means "stimulated radiation optical amplifier" in English. The light generated by this laser is essentially determined by the atomic structure of the material, and the frequency is stable, which has a significant impact on the research work of optical communication.

The key concepts in laser technology were already established in 1917 when Einstein proposed "stimulated radiation," a term that was controversial; Gordon Gould was the first recorded person to use the term.

When was laser first invented?

In 1953, American physicist Charles Harder Townes and his student Arthur Showlow made the first microwave quantum amplifier to obtain a highly coherent microwave beam.

In 1958, C.H. Townes and A.L. Showlow extended the principle of microwave quantum amplifiers to the optical frequency range.

In 1960, T.H. Theodore Maiman made the first ruby laser.

In 1961, Iranian scientists A. Javin and others made a helium-neon laser.

In 1962, R.N. Hall and others created the gallium arsenide semiconductor laser.

In 2013, researchers at the National Laser Centre of the South African Scientific and Industrial Research Council developed the world's first digital laser, opening up new prospects for laser applications. The research results were published in the British journal Nature Communications on August 2, 2013.

who made lasers?

The laser was first built by scientist Gordon Gould in 1958, but he did not publish a related paper until 1959, but was rejected during his patent application process because his mentor was Charles, the inventor of maser (microwave resonant cavity) technology Townes (invented the technology to generate microwave output). Due to the influence of the tutor, the patent has not been approved. It was not until 1977 that the patent for the laser was granted in the United States.

The long-term patent battle is more beneficial to Gould, because when he obtained the patent, the laser had already been applied on a large scale, and due to the limitation of the patent protection period, if the patent was approved as soon as the application was filed, because the application was not widespread, it would not make any money. to too much money


Why was the laser invented?

The pure and spectrally stable light emitted by lasers can be used in many ways.

Ruby lasers: The original lasers were rubies excited by a bright flash bulb, producing a "pulsed laser" rather than a continuous steady beam. The quality of the beam produced by this laser is fundamentally different from the lasers produced by the laser diodes we use today. This intense light emission, which lasts only a few nanoseconds, is ideal for capturing easily moving objects, such as taking holographic portraits of people. The first laser portraits were made in 1967. Ruby lasers require expensive rubies and can only produce short-lived pulses of light.

He-Ne Laser: The He-Ne laser was designed in 1960 by scientists Ali Javan, William R. Brennet Jr. and Donald Herriot. This was the first gas laser, a type of equipment commonly used by holographic photographers. Two advantages: 1. Generate continuous laser output; 2. No need for flash bulb for optical excitation, but electric excitation of gas.

Laser diode: Laser diode is one of the most commonly used lasers at present. The phenomenon of spontaneous recombination of electrons and holes on both sides of the PN junction of the diode to emit light is called spontaneous emission. When the photons generated by spontaneous radiation pass through the semiconductor, once they pass the vicinity of the emitted electron-hole pair, they can be stimulated to recombine to generate new photons, which induce the recombination of the excited carriers to emit new photons. The phenomenon is called stimulated radiation. If the injection current is large enough, the carrier distribution opposite to the thermal equilibrium state will be formed, that is, the population inversion. When a large number of carriers in the active layer are reversed, a small amount of photons generated by spontaneous radiation will generate induced radiation due to the reciprocating reflection on both ends of the resonator, resulting in positive feedback of frequency selective resonance, or gain for a certain frequency. When the gain is greater than the absorption loss, coherent light with good spectral lines—laser light—can be emitted from the PN junction. The invention of the laser diode has made laser applications widely popular. Various applications such as information scanning, optical fiber communication, laser ranging, lidar, laser discs, laser pointers, supermarket receipts, etc. are constantly being developed and popularized.

Classification of lasers

Tunable Laser

Tunable laser refers to a laser that can continuously change the output wavelength of the laser within a certain range (see laser). Such lasers are used in a wide variety of applications such as spectroscopy, photochemistry, medicine, biology, integrated optics, pollution monitoring, semiconductor material processing, information processing, and communications.

single mode laser

The output is a single transverse mode (usually fundamental mode), multi-longitudinal mode laser.

chemical oxygen iodine laser

The chemical oxygen iodine laser is an airborne laser. The airborne laser system uses a modified Boeing 747-400F aircraft as the launch platform (codenamed YAL-1A), with a chemical oxygen iodine laser that generates high-energy lasers as the core, and is equipped with a tracking and aiming system and a beam control and launch system. Directed energy weapons whose energy directly damages or disables a target.

CO2 laser

The carbon dioxide laser is a gas laser with CO2 gas as the working substance. The discharge tube is usually made of glass or quartz material, which is filled with CO2 gas and other auxiliary gases (mainly helium and nitrogen, usually with a small amount of hydrogen or xenon); the electrodes are generally nickel hollow cylinders; resonant cavity One end is a gold-plated total reflector and the other end is a partially reflecting mirror ground with germanium or gallium arsenide. When a high voltage (usually DC or low-frequency AC) is applied to the electrode, a glow discharge is generated in the discharge tube, and one end of the germanium mirror has a laser output, whose wavelength is in the mid-infrared band near 10.6 microns; generally a better tube . A discharge area about one meter long can obtain a continuous output power of 40 to 60 watts. CO2 laser is a relatively important gas laser

liquid laser

Liquid lasers are also called dye lasers because the activating substance of this type of laser is a solution of certain organic dyes dissolved in liquids such as ethanol, methanol or water. In order to excite them to emit laser light, a high-speed flash lamp is generally used as the laser source, or a very short light pulse is issued by other lasers. The laser light emitted by liquid lasers is of great significance for spectroscopic analysis, laser chemistry and other scientific research.

digital laser

The digital laser replaced one of the mirrors with a "spatial light modulator". The "spatial light modulator" is like a reflective miniature liquid crystal display, "you only need to input a specific image to the display through the computer to get the required laser mode. Its biggest feature is that there is no need to design a new laser for each laser, Just transform the picture on the computer to get the desired beam shape.

Digital lasers can create almost any laser pattern that previously required a separate laser for each beam of light, which would take many people a year or two to do


Commonly this invention is a milestone in laser technology, in the medical field, it can be used for bloodless surgery, eye care and dentistry. In the industrial field, it can help cutting, welding. In the field of communication, it will greatly promote the development of optical fiber communication.



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