Disadvantages of Laser Welding

Views: 692 Author: Susie Tan Publish Time: Origin: www.horeylaser.com

3 Disadvantages of Laser Welding :


1、High cost: Laser welding equipment and systems are expensive, and the operational costs of running the equipment can be high due to the need for specialized personnel and high energy consumption.


2、Complex setup: The setup for laser welding is complex and requires precise alignment of the laser and workpiece, which can be time-consuming and challenging to achieve.


3、Limited application: Laser welding is typically used for specific applications and industries, such as aerospace and medical device manufacturing, and may not be suitable for other types of welding applications.


But on the other hand ,now laser welding machine is more popular in the industry manufacturing ,the advantages are also obvious


5 Advantages of Laser Welding :


1、Laser welders can be a very effective and efficient tool for welding various materials, depending on the specific type and application. They offer several advantages over traditional welding methods, such as the ability to weld thin materials with minimal distortion, a high degree of precision and accuracy, and the ability to weld materials that are difficult to weld using other methods.


2、Laser welders work by focusing a high-energy laser beam onto the welding area, which melts and fuses the materials together. The laser beam can be highly focused, allowing for very precise and narrow welds, and can be controlled with great precision, making it possible to weld small and intricate components.


3、One major advantage of laser welding is the ability to weld thin materials with minimal distortion. Traditional welding methods, such as MIG or TIG welding, can often cause the material to warp or deform due to the high heat and pressure involved. Laser welding, on the other hand, uses a much lower heat input, making it possible to weld thin materials without causing significant distortion.


4、Another advantage of laser welding is the ability to weld materials that are difficult to weld using other methods. Some materials, such as certain types of plastics and certain alloys, are difficult or impossible to weld using traditional welding methods. Laser welding can be an effective way to weld these materials, as it allows for a high degree of control over the heat input and can be used to weld materials that have a high melting point or that are prone to cracking or other forms of damage.


Overall, laser welders can be a very effective and efficient tool for welding a wide range of materials, and offer several advantages over traditional welding methods. However, it is important to carefully consider the specific requirements of the application and the materials being welded in order to choose the most appropriate welding method.


Below is 1.0mm Stainless Steel Tube Welding-1500w Handheld Laser Welding Machine for your reference


Susie Tan -Sales Manager

10+ years’ experience sales ,service for Empower、Yaskawa and more top brands customers

Email: sales@horeylaser.com



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