How Does Laser Welding Work

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How Does Laser Welding Work?


Laser welding is a thermal welding process that uses a laser beam to produce heat to melt and fuse two pieces of metal together. The laser beam is directed onto the surface of the workpiece where it is absorbed and creates a localized heat source. The heat from the laser causes the metal to melt and flow together, forming a weld. As the laser beam moves along the joint line, it melts the metal and creates a weld pool. Once the laser is turned off and the metal solidifies, the two pieces are fused together. The laser welding process is highly controlled, precise, and can be used to join very thin sheets of metal or to make deep welds.ontrol over how the LBW setup applies heat to the parts


What Is Laser Welding Used For?


Many places where the laser welding focus on:

  • Automotive manufacturing
  • Different materials welding including metal & tubing
  • Jewelry making
  • Medical instruments
  • Distortion critical thin shell assemblies
  • Stainless steel heat exchangers
  • Hydraulic and fluid control parts
  • Foils
  • Fuel rails


Many materials where the laser welding focus on:

  • Metal
  • Aluminum
  • Copper
  • Stainless Steel
  • Tube


Here’s a short clip of a laser welding machine welding steel pipe:


Susie Tan -Sales Manager

10+ years’ experience sales ,service for Empower、Yaskawa and more top brands customers




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